Free Family Fun

I'm a memory-making kinda girl.

I just LOVE creating memories, but often creating memories meant draining our finances. I wanted to have the perfect birthday party so I crafted and created and ordered and decorated us right out of house and home. I'd attempt to plan a special date night or family day but admittance to the places we planned to go cost an arm and a leg, not to mention food and souvenirs, and whatever else would "make it memorable.

Something had to change. Now, we're a family of 7. Recently I looked into taking the kids to a Star Wars costume display (we are avid Star Wars fans around here), but at $19/head per child and $25/head per adult, that would have been a whopping $130 (the little guy would have been free, in case you're checking my math. ;)) just for a few hours of fun.

Now, don't get me wrong. I have nothing against spending money on having a good time, but I'm all about finding ways to create family fun memories without having to spend anything, because let's just all be honest: there are other needs we have besides making memories, right?

So, here are few of my favorite family fun memories we've made without spending any money:

1) Star-gazing
This was our most recent, amazingly successful, low stress, and so very simple family fun night.

I made a cleaned up version of homemade hot chocolate (recipe to come soon) and we took a karafe full of the yummy goodness, grabbed blankets and loaded up the suv after dinner one Friday night. We live on the outskirts of a major city, so we knew we'd have to drive a ways to get away from city lights. God was so kind that night. It was a full moon and it was low in the Eastern sky and because the sun had set recently it glowed big and yellow in the sky. At times it seemed we were driving right to the moon. We found an old country road, parked the car along the shoulder, piled onto the hood with blankets and hot chocolate and delightfully gazed at the diamond studded sky. I was able to point out Orion and Pleiades, as well as the Big Dipper. My little city kids were in awe. It was cold that night (at least for we Floridians) so it only lasted about 30 minutes. We sang a song to Jesus, and then piled back into the car and drove home, at least a little star struck.

2) Family Picnic Supper
The first time we did this, it was completely a whim. . . and honestly, that's still usually how it happens, but on beautiful evenings, we'll decide to just take dinner outside and enjoy creation and fresh air together. Once in a while we might pack it up and go to a park or a nature reserve, but usually it's just right in our yard. Sometimes we just throw down a blanket, and other times we set up a folding table and chairs. It just depends on the mood. Easy. Free. Fun. . . I feel that whim coming on and I think we may just do this tonight. ;)

3) Nature Walk
My kids love this. We find a place where we can just hike or walk and explore. Sometimes it's a university campus, sometimes it's along the beach. Sometimes it's our neighborhood, or a nature reserve or park. Sometimes we do have to pay for parking. . . but other than that, it's more fresh air, sunshine and fun memories enjoying and exploring God's creation together.

4) Sunset Story Time 
This is one of my favorites. We live near the beach, but anywhere you have a good view of the sunset is perfect for this one. We usually just grab a book we're reading through or a few stories and leave with enough time to arrive about 30 minutes - 1 hour before sunset. Then we throw down a blanket, and watch the magic. I must admit that the story reading stops completely as soon as the sun gets low and the sky is at it's most beautiful. Then, we just take pictures and ooh and ahh!

5) Family Olympics
A few months ago the kids were learning about Greece in school and we decided to host a family Olympic Games. We determined which events we would have and the kids worked hard to make medals for each event. We even had a torch lighting ceremony (a brown paper grocery bag rolled and lit). We had so much fun and so many laughs that night. The gymnastics floor routines were by far my favorite event of the night.

6) Game Night
We regularly have a family game night. The games you play will of course depend on the ages of your children. So far we most often play Uno, Monopoly, and Charades (which is my personal favorite.)

7) Dinner & a Movie 
This one probably speaks for itself. There are so many free movie options out there on Amazon Prime and Netflix. We usually throw a big blanket down on the living room floor to catch all the crumbs and I plan a less messy dinner so we can enjoy dinner and a movie.

8) Hide and Go Seek
This is such a classic game, but rarely do Mom and Dad get involved. Kids just LOVE having you play with them. One of my favorite memories is the time I hid and no one could find me. I never had to tell them where I hid because we have a rule that if they can't find you and they give up you can come out of hiding without telling where you were.  .  . maybe I can use that same hiding place next time.

9) Creating Together
Whether its baking or cooking, or crafting, or building a puzzle, or making music together, we've found that working together to create something is super fun. Our kids are younger so we more often color together, build puzzles, make cards for someone, or bake, but I'm looking forward to continuing to create together as they grow up and see what all we come up with.

10) Dance Party
We probably don't do this enough, but every now and then, often on a rainy Saturday when there's no where to go, we'll put on some of our favorite jams and dance together. Sometimes we'll actually try to really dance, and sometimes we'll just be all out silly and enjoy laughing at one another. It doesn't really matter. It's about having fun, not showing off.

Really, all these ideas are just ways to spend meaningful time together and create memories, because memories help bond us together.

Happy Friday Friends!
I pray you can make some fun family memories this weekend.

I'm off to go do just that.


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