Dear Weary Momma,

Yes, you, with your crazy bed-head, and yoga pants; your reheated cup of coffee (for the 5th time) in hand, and the toddler playing in the toilet down the hall, while the baby screams even though you just fed him and changed him and rocked him and shushed him and he's supposed to be napping. . .

Yes, you, with the laundry piling up, and the dishes overflowing, and the living room floor that's looking like a war zone with lego pieces ready to detonate the minute you walk in. . . and it's time to feed the crazies again, and you just need to go to the bathroom because you've been holding it for 17 hours already. . .

Yes, you, who hasn't had a shower in days, and who can't remember what real clothes feel like; who smells like spit up and wishes you could remember how you learned your times tables, because she's struggling so and you don't know how to help, and while you were cleaning dirt out of ears, the dinner burned AGAIN.

Yes, you, who hates how left out he feels and wishes other kids knew him like you do; you who stay up late to talk it out with her, when she's wrestling with why God let her bunny die, and you wonder when you and your hubby will ever get to talk again uninterrupted or go on a date, or feel in love. . .

Yes, you, with the to-do list that never ends, and the doctor appointments that have you driving everywhere all day and night, while you wonder how you'll pay that bill this month, and hope you actually called and cancelled their music lessons and didn't just dream that you did it. . .

You, who is chauffeur, and nurse, and teacher, and friend.
You're lover, advisor, manager, and cook.
You're playmate, counselor, maid, and body guard.

You who bear the weight of your world on your shoulders. . . and you're weary! SO SO weary!

Because in your heart, you know, YOU are not ENOUGH.

You try to hold it together. You try so so hard.

But in your heart you know that sooner or later the truth will come out.

You can't do it all.

You're just not enough!

It's too much!

Oh weary momma, come away and rest. Come away to Jesus.
Take heart in the truth that He never ever intended for YOU to be enough. He does not expect you to HOLD them together, to get it ALL right, to never mess up, to perfectly execute.

He is able.
And that is all you need.

All you need is to accept that you will daily face your inadequacies as an invitation to receive HIS sufficiency.

Hear his whisper of mercy and grace in your time of need: "My strength is made perfect in weakness." - 2 Cor 12:9

"Be still and know that [HE] is God" so you don't have to be. You cannot be.

He gently leads those with young. (Isaiah 41:11) He is leading you to find your ALL in Him.

He is calling you to learn of Him, to find rest not in all YOU do, but in all He has done. (Matthew 11:28-30)

He is inviting you to cease striving and know that HE is. (Psalm 46:10)

And because He is.

All is well.

He is enough.

And you don't have to be.

"In returning and rest you shall be saved; in quietness and in trust shall be your strength." - Isaiah 30:15


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